In the summer of 2005, we stumbled upon a breathtaking sight in Zeeland, Netherlands - a sea of purple-blue flax blooms. This was the result of nature's artistry, a field sown with care that spring.
Dew-retted flax, nurtured by fertile soil and generations of expertise, is a testament to Western Europe's love for natural fibers. It's an eco-friendly process, with no irrigation, no genetic modification, and no waste.
At Linen by Linen, we're committed to excellence. Our linen products are woven from premium dew-retted flax sourced from the Netherlands and France. Our partners share our dedication to sustainability.
We entrust our raw materials to Van de Bilt Zaden en Vlas, a family business with a century of passion for flax. They hold Royal warrants and European Flax certification, ensuring the quality you can trace.
Our linen is spun from the finest fibers, resulting in a unique, unbleached collection that reflects the harvest year's climate. We use eco-friendly, body-safe dyes and prioritize timeless, elegant design. Our products proudly bear the OEKO-TEX® certification.
Crafted with care, our linen exudes a soft touch without compromising fiber integrity. At Linen by Linen, we're on a mission to share the wonders of flax and linen, inviting you to embrace their comfort and purity.